About Insikt Group


Our threat research team is comprised of analysts, linguists, and security researchers with deep government and industry experience. The word insikt is Swedish for insight and highlights their mission: finding insights that reduce risk for our clients, with intelligence that produces tangible outcomes and prevents business loss. We’re attacking the challenge of threat intelligence with the broadest range of minds, sources, and methods that we can assemble.

Insikt Group publishes threat intelligence to the Recorded Future analyst community in blog posts and analyst notes.

Insikt Group Blog

Insikt Group publishes a private blog for you, the Recorded Future analyst community. The blog has two purposes. The first is sharing specific threat intelligence, on a wide variety of topics. The second purpose is sharing tradecraft: analyst workflows and analytic techniques. These blog posts provide the details that analysts need to apply these techniques in their own work, on intelligence from Recorded Future and other sources.

You’ll find the blog at insiktgroup.recordedfuture.com and we recommend that you follow it to receive new blog posts by email. To do this, navigate to the blog home page and click the follow button.


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